Enjoy effectivecorporate Englishwith a new approach
Selected for a position likely at Harvard:)
Have completed a pedagogical or philological education
May be local or native speakers β mostly from the US and Britain
Attend regular training and refresher courses
Kateryna π©βπ«
Teaching experience:
10 yrs
Tetiana π©βπ«
Teaching experience:
4 yrs
Anna π©βπ«
Teaching experience:
10 yrs
Andri π¨βπ«
Teaching experience:
4 yrs
Angelina π©βπ«
Teaching experience:
10 yrs
Alan π¨βπ«
Teaching experience:
10 yrs
Years of market leadership
Teachers on staff
Students come by recommendation
Author's study programs
Students have achieved their goal
An interactive online platform makes learning effective and interesting
Define goals
Demonstrate platform
Offer solution